Pathway of MII Membership
The journey of a professional mediator within the MII begins with signing up to an accredited training programme. The opportunity to join the MII as a Trainee Affiliate is available at that point. This offers access to the MII resources even before sitting and passing the Certified Assessment. Once the Certified Training is completed and the Certified Assessment successfully passed, the next step is to become a Member of the MII and begin to progress along the professional mediator path. This immediately opens up access to mediation practice opportunities either as a volunteer mediator, self-employed mediator or mediator employed in organisations and ADR agencies. Mediators can seek mentoring through the MII Mentor Panel or through co-mediation arrangements, assistantships or internships. This can be helpful to those new to the profession or to those wishing to expand their areas of practice.
All Members strengthen their professional practice through participation in Code of Ethics and Practice programmes, Reflective Practice & Learning groups, professional practice consultation and Continuing Professional Development. Specialist training is mandated for Separating Couples, Elder Mediation and Child Inclusive Mediation. Members may wish to extend their jurisdiction of practice by joining the International Mediation Institute (IMI). Each mediation experience builds towards the time when Members can take the step towards recognition of the extent of their practice by seeking to become an Advanced Member of the MII. The professional journey then continues with this further accreditation of significant experience as a mediator.