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Supporting Ukrainian Refugees in Ireland

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7 July 2023

Since the outset of the war in Ukraine, the Mediators’ Institute of Ireland (MII) has been working to support those directly affected by the war and to advance the practice of mediation in high conflict siutations, ” stated President of the MII, Ber Barry Murray. Our engagement with mediators in Ukraine has led to MII engaging with the Irish Red Cross to assist them in their work with Ukrainians coming to live in Ireland.” President Barry-Murray was speaking at the MII, annual conference, in the Clayton Hotel, Cardiff Lane, Dublin, where the new programme was launched today.“The mediation programme that has been developed will help address issues that may arise in reception centres or possibly where host families and their Ukrainian guests are faced with challenges that may require mediation or problems that might arise for Ukrainian people in Ireland,” said Andrea O’Neill, who led the MII team that developed the programme with the Irish Red Cross. “We expect the programme to be fully up and running early in the New Year” added Ms O’Neill.

“We expect the programme to be fully up and running early in the New Year.”

Andrea O’Neill

The development of the programme involved Irish Red Cross volunteers, MII members, host family representatives and Ukrainian refugee representatives. CSO figures indicate that 54,777 people from Ukraine had arrived in Ireland up to September 25th, with women aged 20 and over accounting for 46% of arrivals to date, while individuals age 0-19 (both male and female) making up for 35% of arrivals. A quarter fo the country’s total population had ledt their homes in Ukraine by the 20th of March.The programme will involve MII accredited mediators and MII accredited trainers. The mediator, trainer or facilitator will be appointed by the Irish Red Cross and fees will be agreed directly with the Irish Red Cross and appointed mediator. The Red Cross will provide translation supports as required.