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  • MII TED Talk Club: Interesting Videos for Mediators Recording of discussion on Empathy is not Endorsement and details of our next talk.
Betsy Kaufmann

MII TED Talk Club: Interesting Videos for Mediators Recording of discussion on Empathy is not Endorsement and details of our next talk.

19 June 2024

We had a great discussion on Tuesday about the Dylan Marron presentation. Anna Doyle considered it an almost perfect video on how NOT to mediate – what Dylan did by approaching his online trolls and recording their conversations was not particularly VICS: voluntary, independent, confidential or self-determining.

But there were many lessons that could be applied by mediators, such as…

  • There are different ways to respond to being called derogatory names, such as beta male, snowflake, and cuck. Not all of them will make you feel better.
  • Sometimes you need to let the anger out and allow parties to vent.
  • Shutting down opposing viewpoints is only supported by your supporters.
  • Anger is a mediator’s friend – we can explore what’s behind the anger.
  • Providing opportunities for reflection can lead to reconciliation.
  • People can move from monologue to dialogue if we provide the safe space for them to speak, listen and hear.

Many thanks to our panel of Anna Doyle, Avril Sheridan, and Andrea O’Neill, and to our chair, Scott Alexander. Watch the video recording here.

16th July at 13.00 GMT

Our June MII TED Talk Club video was a cracker – funny and very relevant to mediation:

Digital creator Dylan Marron has racked up millions of views for projects like “Every Single Word” and “Sitting in Bathrooms With Trans People” — but he’s found that the flip side of success online is internet hate. Over time, he’s developed an unexpected coping mechanism: calling the people who leave him insensitive comments and asking a simple question: “Why did you write that?” In a thoughtful talk about how we interact online, Marron explains how sometimes the most subversive thing you can do is actually speak with people you disagree with, not simply at them. Listen to his podcast, “Conversations With People Who Hate Me,” wherever you get your podcasts.

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