Overview on Reflective Practice and Learning Groups
A Reflective Practice and Learning group provides an opportunity for between 6 and 12 Mediators to come together and share their mediation experience while learning from each other. To be a member of a Sharing and Learning group you must be a paid up Trainee Affiliate, Associate Affiliate, Member or Advanced Member of the MII.
The activities which may be undertaken within a Reflective Practice and Learning group include:
- MII Members presenting a mediation case for discussion as part of their requirements for Advanced Member status
- Each member of the group sharing mediation case experience to enable discussion and learning
- Members or Advanced Members raising questions about their practice and areas of interest
- Sharing information and learning through review of books, seminars and training events
Each Reflective Practice and Learning group should:
- Register with the MII using the Reflective Practice and Learning Group Registration Form
- Include at least one Member or Advanced Member of at least 3 years standing.
- Record its activities to show attendance, agenda and presenter of case presentation
- Note attendance at meetings
- Nominate a coordinator who is responsible for registering the group with the Registrar of the MII, circulating the agenda, recording minutes and details of attendees
Note: Where possible, an agenda should be circulated to the group not less than 7 days in advance of the meeting, and include details of time, date and venue of the meeting. If you are interested in starting a Reflective Practice and Learning group in your area, please forward a completed Registration Form for the attention of the Registrar. Guidelines for the operation of Reflective Practice and Learning Groups download below.
Currently listed Reflective Practice and Learning groups.
- Cork City and County online Sharing and Learning Group, contact: Katherine Ryan bobeck99@googlemail.com accepting new members.
- Cork Leeside Reflective Practice Group (Blended online and in-person) Siún Kearney siunkearney1@gmail.com accepting new members.
- Dublin North East, contact: Gerry Rooney gerry@acrux.ie, accepting new members.
- Dublin 2, Rachel Murphy murphy.rachel1@gmail.com, not accepting new members.
- Dublin 2, Dublin Central, contact: Catherine O’Connell catherine@blossomdevelopment.com, not accepting new members.
- Dublin 24, Dublin Community Mediation, contact: Josephine Bolger info@dcmhelp.ie, accepting new members.
- Dublin 2, Trinity Mediation, contact: Caroline Henshaw carolinehenshaw@hotmail.com, not accepting new members.
- Dublin 4, Dublin 4, contact: Margaret Ramsay margaret.ramsay@ucd.ie, accepting new members.
- Dublin 4, Dublin 4 (Lunchtime), contact: Karen Erwin karenerwin@erwin-mediation.ie, not accepting new members.
- Online,Karen Erwin Group 2, contact: Karen Erwin karenerwin@erwin-mediation.ie, not accepting new members.
- Dublin, North Dublin North Mediators, contact: Pauline Eustace pmeustace@gmail.com, not accepting new members.
- Galway ,Galway City, contact: Ann Reidy areidy@winterspm.com, accepting new members.
- KCW, Kerry Cork Waterford, contact: Harriet Emerson harriet@adjust.ie, not accepting new members.
- Kerry, Tralee, contact: Matthew Breslin matthewbreslintralee@gmail.com, accepting new members.
- Limerick, The Island S&L Group, contact: Liam Purcell liampurcell@gmail.com, not accepting new members.
- Louth, Meath and District, (Dundalk) contact: Marty Lynch meathmarty@hotmail.com, accepting new members.
- Mayo, Blended Mayo/Dublin, contact: Katie Cadden katie@katiecadden.com, accepting new members.
- Meath, Ashbourne, contact: Pamela Howard phowarddoyle@gmail.com, accepting new members.
- Meath, Navan, contact: John Sherlock johnsherlock94@gmail.com, accepting new members.
- Monaghan, Clones, contact: Angela Graham coordinator@clonesfrc.ie, accepting new members.
- Sligo, Group meets virtually, contact: Brid Brady bridbrady246@gmail.comnot accepting new members.
- Online, Ducks in a Row, contact: Margaret Bouchier post@margaretbouchier.com, not accepting new members.
- Online, Pioneers, Paul Pierse ppierse@hotmail.com, not accepting new members.
- Online, After 8 Owls, Gearoid Fitzgibbon g.fitzg@yahoo.ie, not accepting new members.
- Online, Jaguars, Luke Monahan/Clare O’Keeffe lukem@mfi.ie, accepting new members.
- Online, Reflective Mediation Practitioner, Andrea O’Neill andrea@acon.ie, not accepting new members.
- Wicklow, North Wicklow/South Dublin, Anne Bacon anneelizabethbacon@gmail.com, not accepting new members.