Member status assessment is a skills-based assessment. The criteria for the successful outcome of the Member assessment is the demonstration of appropriate application of mediation skills in accordance with the MII Member Assessment Guidelines.
Candidates should only be assessed by MII Approved Assessors who have not been involved in the delivery of their training
Guidelines on Assessing Certified Mediator Competencies
Competency comprises the specification of the knowledge and skill, and the application of that knowledge and skill to the standard of performance required.
The concept of competency includes all aspects of performance. It requires competent Mediators to demonstrate an agreed standard in:
- Performance at an acceptable level of skill
- Organising tasks
- Responding and reacting appropriately when things go wrong
- Fulfilling a role
- Transfer of skills and knowledge to new situations.
According to the Mediation Act 2017, mediation is defined as:
“…a confidential, facilitative and voluntary process in which parties to a dispute, with the assistance of a mediator, attempt to reach a mutually acceptable agreement to
resolve the dispute”
According to the Mediators’ Institute of Ireland (MII) Code of Ethics and Practice, mediation is defined as:
“A process in which an impartial and independent third party facilitates communication and negotiation and promotes voluntary decision-making by the parties to a dispute to assist them to reach a mutually acceptable solution”
- These competencies do not propose different categories for Mediators.However, different sectors may adopt additional specialist requirements which they regard as necessary to effectively carry out mediation in their particular field.
- The MII have defined and outlined a core set of competencies required of Mediators in a wide range of settings and contexts.While Mediators may come to the profession with different skill-sets and/or training, the core requirements to effectively conduct mediation are the same.
- Competence is assessed through direct observation by an MII Approved Assessor of a simulated role play whereby the candidate mediates a dispute between 2 disputing parties for a total of 60 minutes. The disputing parties may be role played by the candidate’s class colleagues or other persons, where appropriate, and has been agreed in advance between the candidate and the MII Assessor /MII Approved Course Trainer.
- Candidates should only be assessed by MII Approved Assessors who have not been involved in the delivery of their training.
- While Candidates may make use of one-to-one meetings (caucus sessions) with parties where appropriate in the process, they should also demonstrate mediation skills working with both parties in the room together. Candidates will be asked to mediate a dispute between two parties in the presence of the Assessor. This Assessment will be recorded on video and the candidate will be given a copy so they can complete their Role Play Self-Assessment reflection.
- The candidates receive copies of the role plays in advance. These should not be role plays the candidate has already performed (either as a disputant or mediator) in the course of the MII Approved Training programme. Candidates should not mediate the same role play scenario in which they have already participated in as either a disputant or a mediator.
- Candidates will be assessed as per the agreed Mediators’ Institute of Ireland Certified Level Assessment Guidelines
Certified Level Assessment Guidelines
Apply to sit the MII Certified Member Assessment
MII Certified Level Assessment Outcome Re-sit/Appeals Process
1. Prior to partaking in MII Certified Level Assessment, each Candidate should be fully informed about the assessment process, criteria, marking schemes, names of assessors, results process and re-sit/appeals process by the Training Provider in advance, and Assessor on the day of the assessment.
2. Where issues, distractions or interruptions arise in relation to the venue or the process, these need to be brought to the attention of the Assessor and the Training Provider on the day. It is only where these are noted (at the time of the assessment) as potentially impacting on the assessment that they may be taken into consideration in relation to any impact they may have had on the Candidate’s performance during the assessment.
3. As per Certified Level Assessment Guidelines, Candidates will receive the outcome of their assessment along with written feedback (Certified Level Assessment form). These results can issue either in hard copy or electronically, no later than 25 working days after the Assessor’s receipt of the Candidate’s Role-play Self-Assessment document.
4. Where a Candidate has not achieved a ‘3 – Competent’ or higher in each of the 4 competency areas, s/he must contact the Training Provider to discuss the assessment outcome, feedback and any mitigating factors. The Training Provider will then facilitate the Candidate in considering the most appropriate next step. The Training Provider cannot challenge or overturn the outcome of the MII assessment.
5. If the Candidate has not achieved a ‘3 – Competent’ or higher in each of the 4 competency areas then there are two options available:
I. Re-sit the assessment
II. Appeal the assessment decision to the MII.
6. If the Candidate decides to re-sit the assessment, they will:
• Advise their Training Provider that they wish to re-sit their assessment.
• The Training Provider should make every effort to facilitate this or advise the Candidate of alternative Training Providers who may be able to facilitate this.
• Where the Training Provider cannot facilitate a re-sit, the Candidate may contact the Mediators’ Institute of Ireland, which occasionally runs Certified Level role play assessments, and participate at the next available opportunity.
7. If the Candidate decides to appeal the outcome of the assessment, they will:
• Within 10 working days of receipt of their results, contact the MII in writing and state that they wish to appeal their assessment result, outlining grounds for their appeal.
• The MII will advise them of the Certified Level Assessment Appeals Process, request the Candidate to submit the video of their role play and the Role Play Self-Assessment document. The Candidate will be required to pay a fee (currently €100). Where the Appeal is successful, the fee is refunded to the Candidate.
8. MII Appeals Process:
• The Candidate’s video of their role play and Role Play Self-Assessment document will be forwarded initially, by the MII, to one other MII approved Assessor, who will not have any knowledge or sight of the feedback from the first Assessor.
• Where the initial appeals Assessor deems the Candidate to be competent i.e. have achieved 3 in all 4 areas of the assessment, the role play video and Role Play Self-Assessment document is forwarded to a second appeals Assessor.
• The majority decision (including the original assessment) is then the final outcome. This final outcome cannot be appealed any further.
• The Candidate will receive the final assessment result no later than 40 working days after submission of their assessment to the first appeals Assessor.