Elder Mediation Training for EMIN Certification
Elder Mediation Training for EMIN Certification
Later Life Mediation (www.laterlifemediation.com) will offer a six-day training course in Elder Mediation in Dublin, Ireland in 2025. The course is open to accredited mediators who have experience in mediation.
Helen Harnett, Brian O’Neill and Frances Stephenson
42 training hours which are recognised for EMIN certification purposes (see full requirements for certification below)
The course will focus on the knowledge base required to practise as an elder mediator including:
• Intergenerational dynamics and power balancing
• Ethical issues
• Elder Abuse
• Grief and Loss
• Dementia and other chronic diseases
• Capacity and other relevant Legal Issues
Skills development activities will be a core element of each day and will relate to the course content of the day. Each training day will be focused, varied and interactive.
Since January 2024 the MII requires that its members hold EMIN certification in order to practise in the field of elder mediation.
This course is recognised by the Elder Mediation International Network (EMIN) for certification purposes. It will provide 42 hours of the required 70 hours training. Previous candidates for certification have fulfilled the extra hours through supplementary online or face to face training and by providing evidence of training done in other contexts.
In addition to the 70 training hours, candidates for certification are required to mediate three elder mediation role plays and to write up the learning from these.
When the training hours and the role plays have been completed and accepted by the Registrar, candidates then submit a video recording of a role play for assessment. If this video meets the necessary standard, the candidate gains EMIN certification.
Mediation Experience
To benefit from this course, mediators need to have mediated a number of cases and mastered the basic skills of the mediation process. As it is a specialisation for accredited mediators, there will be no opportunity during the course to learn and develop basic mediation skills.